Climox 313.dll Climox 303 v2.10.1 FULL RELEASE! -------------------------------- Before submitting any bug-reports, check for a newer version at my homepage or on buzztrack! Joost 'Climox' Diepenmaat. <-- Check here for new versions/bug fixes. Changes 2.10 - 2.10.1 Added skin. (Too cool not to release it just for the new look!) Changes 2.00 - 2.10 Accent and slide now default to OFF. (if you want to keep slide/accent, you now have to set them on each tick) Added fine-tuning (-12 - +12 semitones) Renamed tune to transpose and changed range to -12 - +12 semitones New waveforms (squarewave is now calculated from saw, leaking included!) Changed accent-sweep routine (with added sweep_max attribute, this is still not completely what I'm looking for, but it's getting better) Polished filter code a bit (less ticks and other noise) Panic command now resets filter. Tuned the volume down, so it doesn't clip when using accent (use saturator if you want clipping). Added compensation on CUT OFF for ENV MOD. New about window. ;-) Note: This version of Climox 303 is NOT compatible with the v2.00 version. Todo: Code new filter (3-pole diode ladder). Rewrite help-file.